
Calendar & Scheduling

Unfortunately, almost all tasks have a deadline, but at Kinabase we know that juggling lots of tasks in a complex work environment can be challenging - we're here to help!

You can view & schedule tasks on a calendar to ensure you don't miss deadlines & can plan your work ahead.

Calendar View

You can also view your tasks on your Kinabase calendar.

  • On your dashboard, simply click Calendar.
  • This shows you tasks with due dates embedded into your calendar.
  • A task panel will appear on the right hand side - filter these as usual.
task calendar display

Scheduling Your Tasks

Now let's schedule your tasks and set when you plan to complete them

  • Simply drag the task from the panel onto your calendar
  • Drag & resize the task on your calendar to set the duration for the task
  • Great - your task is now scheduled!

Unscheduling Tasks

There may be a case where you've accidentally scheduled a task, and don't know when you want it to be scheduled yet.

In this case you can right click the task, hover over schedule and click remove.
