
Roles Introduction

Roles and permissions allow you to control what users can see and do in Kinabase.

The System Admin Role

The System Admin Role is a system level role that is not editable, any user with this role is able to:

  1. Access all system settings.
  2. Configure any collection without explicit configure permission.

Admins can create a role and assign users to this role, and then configure a set of permissions to control what this role can do on a collection-by-collection basis.

The Everyone Role

This is a default Kinabase role that applies to all users. It sets the minimum access levels for each collection.

In the image below, we see that if Everyone is set to View Only, the other roles can’t be set to No Access. If Everyone is set to View & Edit, the other roles must also have View & Edit permission.

Everyone role display

If you do find you need to create a role with a lower level of access, simply set the Everyone role to that lower level.

Similarly, if Everyone has permission to export, import etc., you cannot disable this permission unless you remove permission for everyone.

Caution: granting a permission to Everyone will apply this level of permission to all roles. However, if you remove or downgrade a permission on the Everyone role, you will not lower permissions for all roles.