
News | 15 Dec 2023

Truly a Cambridge Christmas!

Last night saw the Cambridge Kinetics 2023 Christmas party at Trinity Hall, Cambridge. What an amazing venue and insight into the college our MD Jason attended during his master’s degree. It was a great opportunity to get the team all together in the same room, socialise, and make new connections. You will see from the photo above that our team has grown substantially since this time last year!

Christmas party venue at Trinity Hall

And what a year it’s been for Cambridge Kinetics! We started 2023 on a high, following our silver win at the SME awards for Best New Business 2022. In March, we welcomed Thomas and Francisco from the University of Cambridge as part of their studies in Industrial Systems, Manufacturing and Management.

Over the Summer we hosted Sami from Comberton Village College for his Year 10 work experience, and Callum, our summer intern from Homerton College. At the same time, we achieved our Cyber Essentials Plus certification with the help of our colleagues at Cambridge Support and celebrated our 2-year anniversary on the go-karting track, not to mention the countless socials.

Finally, this year has seen the launch of Kinabase, the product our development team have been avidly working on behind the scenes. If you haven’t already, check out our website and get signed up to see how Kinabase could be a good business solution for you.

We are looking forward to the holidays and are excited for all that 2024 will bring!