
Connecting to Microsoft 365

Connecting Microsoft 365 Organisation to Kinabase

To connect your Microsoft 365 organisation to Kinabase, you first need to enable Microsoft 365 as a sign in method.

  • Navigate to Settings by clicking your name in the bottom left-hand side of the menu.
Pane to nav to
  • Navigate to the Identity & Provisioning tab.
  • Enable Microsoft 365 as a sign in method by clicking the toggle.
  • Click the Connect button.
  • You will be redirected to a Microsoft page where an administrator of your Microsoft tenant will need to approve the connection.
  • Once an administrator has granted approval you will be redirected to the settings page and it will show that you are now connected.

Syncing Users

Once you have connected to Microsoft 365 you will be able to sync users. This will pull the user information from Microsoft and create that user in Kinabase.

Sync users buttonSelect who to sync
  • Select which users you would like to add.
  • Click Continue to add the selected users to Kinabase.

You may want to assign these users roles once they have been synced, in order to ensure that they have appropriate levels of access. This is described here.

Any users synced with this method will automatically be added to the billing on your current Kinabase plan.