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Capture distance, mass, time, angles, volume and more ...

25 Jul 2023

Capture distance, mass, time, angles, volume and more ...

Feature Update|25 Jul 2023

Capture distance, mass, time, angles, volume and more ...

Capture distance, mass, time, angles, volume and more ...

Store measurements with precision in Kinabase, using powerful new engineering field types. Built with physics-based first principles in mind, Kinabase allows you to store numerical measurements in a precise format, based on the International System of Units (SI) - handling orders of magnitude, conversion factors and calculations for you.

From builders and surveyors - to healthcare, engineering and manufacturing, measurements are vital for day-to-day operations, and mistakes can be costly.

Use the new measurement number fields to track:

  • Length (metric & imperial)
  • Area
  • Volume
  • Weight
  • Duration (hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds)
  • Data (from bits to terabytes)
  • Angles (degrees, radians)

These fields are all normalised when importing and exporting data, to ensure precision across your entire data workflows.

When it comes to calculations, the units and orders of magnitude are all handled for you. To take a simple example, if you added columns for distance (m) and time (s), and a calculation for speed - Kinabase would show the speed in ""ms-1"".

We have ambitious plans to make Kinabase even better for engineering use cases, so watch this space.

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