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New Outlook add-in for Companies and Contacts

06 Nov 2023

New Outlook add-in for Companies and Contacts

Feature Update|06 Nov 2023

New Outlook add-in for Companies and Contacts

New Outlook add-in for Companies and Contacts

Kinabase now enables you to sync companies and contacts directly to Kinabase from your Outlook email screen. This means you can capture important company contact information, streamlining your relationship management processes.

This feature is important for users who keep records of client/customer interactions and is an easy way to track interactions in Kinabase.

To use this feature, simply install the Kinabase Microsoft Outlook plug-in, click on the menu (⋯) in the top right-hand corner of your Outlook email screen, and click “Link to Kinabase.”

Kinabase will pull up in a side window with relevant information that could be added, such as the sender’s or other recipients’ contact information, or the company name (based on what is already in Kinabase).

Click on “add contact(s)” or “add company,” and the record will be added automatically to the company or contact profile in Kinabase. If the company or contact does not already have a profile in Kinabase, the plug-in will give you an option to create a new record in Kinabase.

Now more than ever, you can easily track and record your email interactions for more consistent and accurate information sharing.

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