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Use Tasks in Kinabase to keep your team on track

16 Oct 2023

Use Tasks in Kinabase to keep your team on track

Feature Update|16 Oct 2023

Use Tasks in Kinabase to keep your team on track

Use Tasks in Kinabase to keep your team on track

Kinabase's new tasks feature is a great way to stay organised, manage your time efficiently, and stay on track with your organisation's goals. You can now create to-do lists and reminders, whilst adding in due dates, status updates and assignees in your collections.

To enable this feature, simply navigate to the Tasks section of the collection configurator and toggle it on. Once it's turned on you will be able to add tasks into the corresponding collection. This new feature will enable you to set deadlines, collaborate on ideas, and assign tasks to your colleagues, whilst being able to see progress updates every step of the way.

Task management is a great tool to manage workflows and enable teams to collaborate, especially in the world of hybrid-working. Kinabase now lets you keep track of what's happening and so much more in one easy-to-use database!

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