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Right-click multiple records to quickly update your workflow

10 Oct 2023

Right-click multiple records to quickly update your workflow

Feature Update|10 Oct 2023

Right-click multiple records to quickly update your workflow

Right-click multiple records to quickly update your workflow

Kinabase now enables you to right-click on multiple records and perform a bulk update to amend their status in their corresponding workflows.

This means you can select a variety of records at once and then right-click to update their workflow statuses all together, rather than having to edit each record individually. This can be particularly useful when you need to make similar changes across multiple records in a collection. It's a great time-saver.

Data statuses change over time, so databases like Kinabase need to be as user-friendly as possible to update data. This feature makes amending records easy to carry out, ensuring consistency and reducing the likelihood of introducing errors.

We hope that this and other new features we're continually rolling out on Kinabase empower your teams to save time and be more efficient than ever!

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